Monday, June 29, 2009

What would I invent to make life better?

What would I invent to make life better? I think would invent a time machine. I can think of many uses for such a machine some good and some not so good in a way. How many times has there been a situation where I thought if I could just go back, I would do that differently. A time when I made the wrong choice, maybe one that hurt someone and I wished so much that, I could take it back and un-do the hurt. The one that might not be such a good one would be a chance to go back one more time and tell a loved one that you have lost how very much you love them and will miss them. Probably not so good because then you would never want to move on and have to say goodbye. It would be amazing to go back in history and witness events that changed the world. To see your family from many past generations and really get to know where you came from. We could change things that affect our world today in negatives ways by not making the mistakes that got us to this point. It sounds like a great machine and since this is, my blog and I can make my own little fantasy come to life that is what I would like to invent.

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